Best Home Birth Midwife, Natural Childbirth

Home Birth Midwife Near Me

Meet Midwife Charlotte Sanchez Serving Families In Dallas Metroplex: Plano, Frisco, McKinney, Allen, Little Elm, Coppell, Lewisville, Addison, Farmers Branch, Carrollton, The Colony And More! She supports natural holistic care which includes; water birth, vaginal breech, VBAC, twins, and luxe floral herbal bath!

Prenatal Care ~Natural & Holistic

Best Prenatal Care
Prenatal Home Visit

We offer personalized care tailored to YOU! You are welcome to come experience first-hand our natural approach to prenatal care. This is where we offer space for you to learn the physiological process of labor and birth, and express your desires. With our free consultations you have an opportunity to have your questions answered.

Next, appointments are an hour long and can take place in office, your home or as tele-health care. Together, over a period of time we build a trusting relationship and a solid birth team. We believe the cornerstone of comprehensive prenatal care is one of shared decision-making, evidence based offering informed choice. We have compiled is a list of our base care of support:

Prenatal Care for Twins
Prenatal Care for Twins
  • 1st appointment begins around 8-10 weeks, monthly appointments thru 28 weeks.
  • 28 weeks thru 36 weeks are more often, typically as bi-monthly appointments.
  • 36 weeks to your birth of baby are as weekly appointments.
  • 24-hour access to your midwife.
  • Health/pregnancy history & risk assessment.
  • Nutritional guidance, complimentary & alternative modalities.
  • Lab work support.
  • Urinalysis, blood pressure monitoring.
  • Fetal heart tone assessment, position & presentation.

Referral for Outside Care

  • Diagnostic sonogram.
  • Consulting physician as Indicated.

Labor & Birth

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” -Psalm 139: 13

Home birth has advantage of blending modern and traditional style of practice. This offers families the latest complementary modalities of today. It supports you to give birth naturally, by offering encouragement, positional suggestions, and relaxation techniques. We provide family centered care which includes:

  • Family and doula’s are welcome, we encourage involvement throughout labor and birth.
  • Clinical assessment of maternal, and fetal well-being throughout labor and birth.
  • Comfort measures may include maternal positional guidance, massage, pressure points, and hydrotherapy.
  • Natural techniques to avoid perineal laceration.
  • Facilitate -obtain IV anti-biotics.
  • Birth attendants current with Neonatal Resuscitation & CPR certifications. We carry oxygen and immediate resuscitation equipment.
  • Assessment of blood loss with access to anti-hemorrhage medication, or remedy.
Now This is Premium Care!

Specialty Birth Care

  • Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) after referral, with informed consent.
  • Vaginal Breech -after referral, with informed consent.

Postpartum Care ~Natural

Children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. -Psalm 127: 3

Immediate Postpartum

Immediate postpartum, often referred to as the golden hour, is a sacred time. This is where bonding ensues resulting with you and your newborn falling in love. It’s a perfect time for initiating breastfeeding. Next, we complete our assessments on you and baby -we tidy up your space. After, we tuck you snuggly into bed for continued bonding and rest.

  • Delayed cord clamping to allow transition of baby to breath on their own. This allows blood volume transference, to go from placenta to baby
  • Continuous skin to-skin contact touch, with mother and baby, to promote bonding and breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding latch-on support.
  • Birth attendants current with Neonatal Resuscitation & CPR certifications. We carry oxygen and immediate resuscitation equipment.
  • Assessment of blood loss with access to anti-hemorrhage medication, or remedy.
  • Perineal assessment to facilitate-obtain repair using advanced skills, or your choice of natural healing modalities
  • Comprehensive newborn examination.
  • Erythromycin eye ointment, or vitamin K for your newborn (informed for choice, or decline)
  • Therapeutic herbal bath for mother & baby, to promote bonding & healing postpartum.

Herbal Bath ~Luxe Style

A Celebration Bath Just for You!

The day you give birth is a special day, one with cause for a celebration bath. What better way to begin anew, by soaking in a luxe-style herbal bath. We understand your journey has been long. You grew your precious baby in your womb for months, labored tirelessly, and have given birth. Now it’s your time to rest, heal and bond with baby.

Next, let’s chat about your care desires and how that may look, maybe it can be an herbal or milk bath, with essential oils and florals. To learn more about herbal bath benefits, or posh features we offer please visit our holistic methods blog page.

Call Direct 469-961-9933

Contact us for more information
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I would love to schedule a time for a consultation, please let me know the best way to reach you and when is the best time of day. I can’t wait to hear about you and your family!

Read what clients are saying:

Home Birth Follow-up Care

Best Midwife Near Me, Postpartum Care
  • Follow-up care appointments: first postpartum home visit within 48-72 hours, remaining appointments in office are optional at 2 weeks, 6 weeks postpartum.
  • Newborn examination with weight check & breastfeeding support.
  • Assessment -follow up of mothers physiological & emotional well-being.
  • First postpartum checkup has optional newborn metabolic screening.
  • Documentation of birth certificate and social security filed with the state vital records department.

Hospital Birth Follow-up Care

In the unlikely event of a transport during labor, you have the option to request on-going postpartum care. This is clientele initiated that starts after discharge from hospital. However, if records are requested to the delivering physician for postpartum it indicates a full transfer. Unless you let us know otherwise. Moreover, with you setting your appointment -we are happy to provide your follow-up care!

Midwife Services Near Me

Prenatal Care, Breech, Twin, Water Birth Midwife
Top Holistic Midwife In Plano, Texas Offers Natural Prenatal and Birth Care Including; Water Birth, Vaginal Breech, VBAC, Twins, Floral Herbal Bath.
Midwifery Care

Meet Midwife Charlotte Sanchez Serving Families In Dallas Metroplex: Dallas, Frisco, Plano, McKinney, Little Elm, Coppell, Lewisville, Addison, Farmers Branch, Carrollton, The Colony And More! She supports natural holistic care which includes; water birth, vaginal breech, VBAC, twins, and luxe floral herbal bath!

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